
Monday, February 23, 2015

10 Months

(Lie down for a picture?!? I'm much too much of  a big kid for that!)

Weight - Evan should be just about 22 lbs now. We've changed some things up, and he's gaining weight a lot better now! He was 21lb 15 oz at 9.5 months. 

Height - Maybe around 29 inches? He definitely seems to be growing. 

Head circumference - 18 inches (9 months)

We're starting to use more of the 18 month clothes (in part because someone may have been slacking a bit with putting away laundry this month...) but they are starting to fit pretty well and some of the 12 month are now definitely too small. We're now back to onsies only for sleeping, though - hopefully we'll use our 18 month pjs this summer when we're in a cooler place.


Evan is starting to show some real food preferences, which is fun (though less fun when he chooses the less filling foods that his mama wants him to eat!). He loves fruits, especially bananas, blackberries, and blueberries. He also seems to really love chicken cooked in salsa, though it might have bothered his tummy a bit, so he's only had it twice. Grated carrots cooked in olive oil is still a hit, and I've been adding cumin and coriander, since those are favorite spices in this house! He's also starting to enjoy his sippy cups and actually drinking water, instead of just spitting it out. Protein wise, he likes his salmon burgers and any meat cooked in a slow cooker. 

Climbing is still a huge favorite - he likes to go up the stairs at least once a day, and often will take off and I have to run and catch him before he gets up too far. He also loves to take off and have me "chase" him. 

I say "I'm going to get you!!" and he just giggles and speeds up his crawling. Usually he heads for the kitchen or the stairs. 

He also loves standing at the banister in the loft when someone is downstairs. This is hilarious to him :).

We've been spending a good amount of time nursing in the front seat of the car before and after activities, and that's become a new favorite spot for Evan. He loves to put his hands on the wheel and even play with the gear shift. Luckily you need your foot on the break to do anything :). He's accidentally set off the horn a few time, to all of our surprise!

Hiking is another favorite (well, he doesn't complain too much at least, and often gets in a good nap). I've been hiking with a friend from Stroller Strides, which has been really nice, as well as hikes with Ed and with my parents when they were visiting. He seems to like the Ergo a bit better than the hiking backpack, since he likes to cuddle in. 


Sleeping in mom's arms

So, we've come to a bit of a crossroads this month with sleep. As you all know, we've been "struggling" with this for months now. He hasn't slept consistently longer than 3 hours since he was 3 months old, and it's been almost 2 months now with waking every 2 hours. When we found out he gained almost no weight between 6 and 9 months, I just knew that sleep training needed to take a break. What really hit me was when I tried to move his last feeding 30 minutes earlier (per the advice of a sleep coach), he just woke 30 minutes sooner. That showed me he really was hungry, not just "waking for comfort".

We met with a lactation consultant who told us, "waking every 2 hours is normal, and have we considered bedsharing?" And, even though it wasn't something I used to be open to, that's exactly what we're doing now. Evan goes to sleep beautifully up in his crib (awake and relatively content, if you're interested) and when he wakes 2.5-3.5 hours later, we all go to bed together after he eats. He's still waking every 2 hours, but now I don't have to get up 5 times and force myself to stay awake. It's generally less stressful and Evan gained more weight in the first two weeks of doing this than he had in the 3 months prior, so I'd say it's been really good for him.

I'm just a hungry baby!

Is this a permanent solution? I don't think so. I love the baby cuddles, and seeing him asleep in my arms in the sweetest thing in the world, but I do like my space and I do like getting to be "off" for part of my 24 hour mom duty. But, for now, it's the best option. We just have a very, very hungry little boy, and this is what he needs right now. If I've learned anything, it's that every baby is different. The sleep training to reduce night feedings we did for 3 months probably works with most babies because most babies are okay only eating once or twice and just nurse to go back to sleep. Evan is genuinely hungry. He eats every 2 hours day and night, for at least 10 minutes at a time. Plus solids. So, nothing we can do about it but accept that this is how our little boy is, and hope that he'll eventually get more satisfied by his solids.

(Why is he crying? He couldn't have the camera...)

Okay...that's off my chest! What else. Well, diaper changes are still akin to torture, though he's started to learn he can't flip onto his back and just cries like he may not ever be happy again. He's also decided being put in the carseat is similarly horrific. Cannot wait for these phases to be over.

Otherwise, he is started to get frustrated (and express it) when he can't have what he wants. He's starting to learn the meaning of "no" which is definitely a good thing. Sometimes he can be very patient and methodical (like when he practices climbing up and down stairs) but when he really wants something, he generally wants it *now* and is unhappy about waiting.

Loving his lentil curry and steak

Food wise, he's not wild about Trader Joes hummus (Habra is the preferred brand, if you're wondering). Otherwise, it's all been fair game! He's even like thai curries, indian curries, fajita chicken, etc. We're really hoping that lots of flavor heavy food now will make it more palatable when he's older, though that could be wishful thinking on our part. 

Important Events:

A sleepy baby waits for mom to cross the finish line!

This was a pretty quiet month for us. We took another family trip to Sedona (for my 10k!) and really enjoyed sharing one of our favorite places with Evan. 

My parents also came to visit over Valentine's weekend, which was wonderful. Evan got to spend a lot of quality time with his Grandma and Papa (and Ed and I got to go on a date!). 

Another super important event is that we got a check from Cranial Tech - that means that Evan's second helmet got covered by insurance! We are so relieved. While we could have afforded the $2200 (and did actually have to pay it up front), it is so wonderful to get to save that money for other purposes. 

(haven't caught independent standing on camera yet, but I bet I will this month!)

Evan has started playing around with standing by himself! He'll let go of things for a few seconds and then hold on again, and had been increasing, up to 5 seconds or so. He's very careful and methodical, and Ed and I have a feeling that when he does move to walking, he'll be very stable. We're in no rush though. His physical therapist is happy to see that he won't be an early walker. 

Evan being "social" with a group of little girls when we went out for a happy hour. 

He's also been vocalizing (dare I say babbling?) a lot more lately. He's much more communicative - giving certain sounds when he wants more food for instance. He also likes to have "conversations" with us, and sometimes even sounds like he's talking gibberish to himself while he plays. No consonant strings yet, but seeing his vocalizations progress makes me feel less stressed about that. He's developing in his own pace, and that's just fine. 


Evan had to head back to physical therapy this month after I started noticing him only using his left hand for eating. He'll use his right fine for playing (even when he starts playing with his food, he'll use it), but when he wants to eat, only the left will do. Since his torticollis was on the left, this was obviously concerning. His PT didn't have a good answer, but doesn't think it's indicative of his tort issues, since he uses that hand otherwise and still has full range of motion. We're experimenting with deep tissue massage 3 times a day, to see if that makes a difference, with extra massage of just the right hand/arm before he eats. Fingers crossed!

(playing during a break in his helmet appointment, while the helmet gets adjusted)

The other challenge (which is really not a huge one) is that Evan's head growth has been fairly slow, so we are looking at him wearing the helmet, most likely, for the whole 4 months. Less than 6 weeks left, but it's been a long journey and we are ready to be done. 

Mommy Successes:

I had a fantastic race in Sedona for my 10k! It was a much hillier course than I was expecting, but the rain held off and I got some spectacular views. Despite traveling with our little one, timing for everything worked perfectly. I made my goal, which was sub 11 minute mile pace, and did a 9:40 pace for the last full mile! I've been taking a bit of a break with my running schedule since then, but will start gearing up for my half marathon soon (at the beginning of August). 

Daddy Successes:

Ed has had a super busy month, work wise, yet always makes time to take care of Evan when I need a mommy break. He is fantastic!

Best Moments:
Getting to go on a date with Ed definitely tops the list! 

(exploring Taliesin West with my parents)

And, of course, seeing Evan with my parents always makes my heart so happy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Evan Giggles

Sweetest sound in the world!

And an older video of Evan giggling back when he had no hair!

Friday, February 6, 2015

On the News!

Zip Trip: Stroller Strides & Fit Mom group - FOX 10 News |

FOX 10 News |
Check it out - my stroller workout group was featured on our local news. Evan and I are pretty easy to spot. I'm in the blue shirt on the left and Evan's sleeping in the ergo :). (And apologies for the add that's running before the video!)

Very fun!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Website is Done!

Well, I can cross one thing off of our to do list - my website is officially done:  It's definitely been a labor of love, and has gotten me excited about teaching in Sonoma. Feel free to share it if any of my lovely readers have any connections in the Sonoma teaching world!

Click here to check it out

Zoo Lights!

The past couple of years, Ed and I had heard great things about "Zoolights" - a Christmas light extravaganza at the Phoenix Zoo - but hadn't get made it there. 

Now, since it was our last year and our last chance, we knew we had to go, especially since we now had a little one that we hoped would also really enjoy the lights!

We bought the tickets planning to go on a Friday, but kept feeling too tired and/or busy. Before we knew it, it was Sunday - the last night of the Zoolights!

Despite some ominous clouds, we set out, arriving right when it began at 5:30 and hoping Evan wouldn't melt down. 

Timing ended up being perfect. We got to enjoy the beautiful storm clouds as the light faded, which was the perfect backdrop for the lights. 

I love Christmas lights, so I was in heaven.

We got a few drops of rain, but luckily it held off until we left!

These massive trees were my absolute favorites of the night. 

 Only a main pathway of the zoo was open, which was actually pretty perfect for our needs.

In just about an hour, we were able to make our full loop.

There were many other families out there taking in the lights as well and enjoying the beauty. 

As we got into the car, the rain began to pour down, and we were thrilled to be headed home with our sleepy boy. 

What a lovely night!