
Thursday, June 23, 2011


*seems like I keep having reasons to brag about Ed - he's just that great :) *
The Monday before last, Ed and I took a whilwind trip down to LA for him to interview for a very special fellowship. Out of a large group of applicats, Ed was chosen as a finalist for the UC Accord fellowship, a prestigious award that is given to, "engage UC scholars in research that will support and inform Californians’ efforts to replace prevailing patterns of schooling inequality and disparities in access to higher education with equitable conditions and outcomes for children from all sectors of our diverse state" (source - UC Accord website). 

Today, we found out that out of everyone, he was awarded one of the 8-10 fellowships offered this year, a $20,000 award to support the completion of his dissertation. Not only is it amazing to be given such a large sum of money, but this kind of recognition validates that Ed is doing important and substantial work that is seen as valuable by the University system.

 I feel very proud that Ed is working in such an important field and for such great goals. Through both of our educations at UCSC, we have became much more aware of equity and disparity issues in the classroom, and I'm thrilled that Ed's work can be used towards reshaping the policies that create some of these problems. 

This is a really exciting time in our lives, as Ed spends this last year completing his last year of his five years towards this PhD, and we begin to think about where we'll be heading next. 

In case you can't tell, I'm very very proud of him and all he has and will continue to accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic!! I'm not surprised though, it sounds like his work exactly the type of thing the program is looking for. Very well deserved :-)
