
Friday, January 27, 2012

Valentine's Plans!

Ed and I are generally last minute low key kind of people for this holiday. I had one bad experience years ago where it seemed like a good decision to spend Valentines Day dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Union Square, SF back in college. Needless to say, it was an over 4 hour wait and generally miserable experience.

Since then, I've always voted to stay in, have a nice dinner together, and generally do what we always do for "fancy" evenings.

We're not shaking things up in that regard since, honestly, I do still love those evenings, but we are adding something fun and new to our celebration of this "holiday"

Valentine's Day Brunch at Sur La Table. Isn't that a cooking store, you say? That it is. This isn't us going out to brunch, this is learning how to make brunch, using the gift card that has been burning a hole in my pocket since I got it for my birthday back in September. The menu?

Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Grapefruit Vinaigrette 
 Dried Cranberry-Orange Scones 
 Bacon Cheddar Scones 
 Pancetta, Leek, and Gruyere Cheese Quiche 
 Fried Homestyle Potatoes in Duck Fat 
 Chocolate Covered Strawberries

It's pretty perfect, since Ed is excited about breakfast more than any other meals, which makes this a cooking class he's actually pretty excited about, and doing a daytime Valentines celebration just sounds like fun. So, this will be our "gift" to one another - a romantic morning, followed by a romantic evening. What more could a girl want?

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