
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our New Appliances

Ah, the fun of growing up, when you get ridiculously excited about buying your first appliances :). For better or worse, our buyer let us know from the get go that she'd be taking the washer, dryer, and fridge, so we know we'd be needing to get these. Downside - sort of big initial cost. Upside? We get to choose our favorite low energy appliances that will last us a *hopefully* very long time.

Our first purchases were with very thankful help from my mom and dad, who gifted us with much of the cost of this beautiful washer and dryer set. Of course, my dad was a bit shocked by the cost - things have changed a bit in the 20 years it's been since they've had to go appliance shopping! We did get good deals, though, about $100 off each appliance and free shipping, courtesy of home depot.

So, here they are!
washer?       Dryer
Our beautiful LG washer and dryer. Despite the seemingly huge popularity of the front loading machines, it seemed cumbersome to bend down to pull out the laundry, unless you bought a bottom bin for an additional $250, and they seemed, across the board, to have huge issues with mold. These models both got rave reviews (the best we saw, even with higher priced machines), and are very pretty besides. We liked the see through doors on both machines (though functionality wise, not totally sure about the reasoning). In any event, I've never been more excited to do laundry. Good thing, since I may have made many many promises to Ed regarding my doing lots of laundry once we had our own and didn't have to walk to the laundry building at our apartment complex.

For our fridge, we knew early on we wanted either a side by side or french door model, since the fridge is located across from the island, and a full door would be a bit tight. Ed surprisingly really fell for the french door design, so we decided to splurge and go for that. Again, we pored over reviews, learning that ones with water dispensers often have serious issues (so we stayed away from those), and finally settling on this beauty:

Our new Refrigerator!

We visited this guy too, while we were at Home Depot, and very  much loved the bluish LED lighting inside, the freezer space, and all the shelves and drawers. This is also an LG, so our appliances will be in good company.  Without an ice dispenser in the door, there's a ton more space available, which was a great added bonus. 

All of our appliances are set to be delivered within the first few days of our move! 

Only 47 days to go...


  1. Did you (and by you I really mean Ed) make a spreadsheet of your choices to decide?

    1. haha :). Luckily enough, we were pretty selective, so there weren't actually all that many options that fit our price range, so no spreadsheet necessary! I'm sure one will pop up at some point of this moving adventure though...

  2. These look like wonderful new members of the family! Congratulations on these very-adult purchases (and gifts)!! :)
