
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Soon to be Moving to Phoenix!

I thought I'd give this link up a try from Kelly's Korner, since it's certainly hard to make friends, especially when you're moving somewhere where you basically know no one!

My husband Ed and I are about to make a huge local shift. We've both called the bay area, in Northern California, home for almost a decade (5 of those years together), and have loved every minute of it.

But, Ed just got a job as an assistant professor at ASU, so we are now Phoenix bound! We've bought a gorgeous home in Gilbert and are doing our best to get to know our new area. I'm busy applying for teaching jobs in the east valley and hopefully will find a great school to work at. So far, we've only visited the area twice, but we've liked what we've seen (especially on the longer, second visit in April). It helped that the weather was ideal and we found our dream house, but we still really liked the feel of the area. We can't wait to get to know it better soon.

So, if you live in the general Phoenix area, it would be great to get to know you!


  1. Hey, I got your link from Kelly's kroner. I saw you're moving to Phoenix soon. I actually am too. I just took a job at the VA hospital down there and I dont know a soul. It'd be great to get tot know someone and have a friend there! Shoot me an email when you have some time!

    1. Hi Riley,
      Congrats on your move as well! It's nice to hear from somewhat in the same boat. Look forward to talking to you more!

  2. Hi Adelyn!
    I found your link on Kelly's Korner. I've read her blog for a long time and enjoy her writing and insights.
    Welcome to AZ and welcome to Gilbert... I live in Flagstaff (about 2-ish hours away). I, too, am a teacher and I work with 6th graders/special education students. I've lived in AZ my whole life, so if you have any questions, ask away! I have a blog, yet I haven't blogged much as of late. Maybe this summer when the schoolyear's over and my life becomes my own again. :)
    Once again... Welcome to AZ!

    1. Hi Lindsey,
      Thanks so much for stopping by, and for the welcome. It is so nice to hear from people who actually live in Arizona - I don't know too much about what it'll be like to live there. Great to connect with another teacher as well. I've been told we'll want to take lots of trips to Flagstaff in the summer, to escape the heat - do people do much up there besides enjoy the outdoors? I hear you have great trails. I totally might take you up on the offer to ask questions when we get a little closer :).

      Thanks again!

  3. Welcome to Arizona!! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. I live out in Peoria, but I teach 2nd grade in the Paradise Valley school district. We have lived here for 5 years and really enjoy it. I have learned to live with the heat. Just stay inside! There are a lot of great hiking trails around Phoenix. We enjoy them from October to April.

    Hope your move goes smoothly!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It's great to meet other Phoenix area teachers. I'm glad to hear about all the trails. Do you have any favorites?

  4. Hi Adelyn,
    Also found your blog through Kelly! I'm originally from Germany, but moved to the US 5 years ago, first to San Jose, and now have been living in Phoenix for the last four years. I love it here and I have to agree with learn how to deal with the heat! :)
    Good luck with the move, I love your new house, it's beautiful!


    1. Hi Nadine,
      How funny that you also made the move from San Jose to Phoenix (we live very very close to San Jose). I'm glad to hear that the adjustment was fine for you. Thanks fort he house compliments - we're so excited to have found such a nice place!

  5. Welcome to AZ! I am a Phoenix native..pretty rare! Of course, my husband and I are chomping at the bit to move somewhere else. Funny isn't it? :)
    I hope you enjoy your time here! You do get used to the a way... ;)
    The rest of the year is great, if you like to hike there are mountains all over, just watch out for the cactus.
    Have a great move! :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for the welcome. I can understand that urge - I couldn't wait to move out of Southern California, where I'm originally from. Good luck with finding a place that better fits your family!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Adelyn,

    I found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I deleted my original comment because I forgot to give you my name. I actually live in Gilbert, AZ. We have lived here for about 18 years. We moved here from the Chicago area and it was quite an adjustment,at first. The heat is hard to get used to, but in time you do adjust. Where in Gilbert will you be living? (cross streets) Our nearest cross streets are Baseline and Val Vista. I am a substitute teacher in the Gilbert school district and my children attend Gilbert public schools. Gilbert really is a nice place to live. If you have any questions, or would just like to connect with someone who lives in Gilbert, you can email me at

    Take Care,

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for stopping by. It's great to meet someone else from Gilbert! I'm glad you like living in that area. I'll definitely take you up on that email - I'd love to connect more and learn more about the area!

  8. Hi Adelyn! We moved to Mesa, AZ almost 3 years ago from Des Moines, IA and love it! I work down in Gilbert at a restaurant in Santan Village, at Williams Field and the 202. Feel free to drop me an email at Good luck with the move and that gorgeous house!

    1. Hi Andrea,
      Glad to hear you love it in Mesa! And, thanks for the well wishes :).

  9. HI! I am also a native of phoenix!!! I am in Peoria now which is about 45 minutes west of where you are. If you have ANY question or need ANYTHING email me.... I can also give you my number too!! I love Phx and I hope you do too! Good luck and look forward to hearing from you!!! I have a blog too but have been horrible the past year on keeping it up!!!

    1. Hi Rachel,
      Thanks for being so welcoming and eager to help! I will definitely take you up on your offer to connect further :).

  10. Sorry to hear you're leaving the Bay Area, but good luck on your move to AZ! Enjoy your new looks beautiful.

    1. I know, it's going to be so hard to leave the bay area....we will certainly miss all the greenery!!

  11. Hi Adelyn, I'm brand new to PHX also.... Definitely so much to do here!

    Welcome. :)

  12. Hello!
    Welcome to AZ. I am in the East Valley. (Found you through Kelly's Korner)
    You can find me at

    I look forward to reading about your adventures :)

    1. Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to reading your blog as well :)

  13. Hi!
    Just like everyone else, I also found your link from Kelly's Korner! I have lived in Arizona for most of my life,but know what it's like to be "new". I am also a teacher, but I am out in the West Valley (Avondale). That is about 40 minutes away from Gilbert. Good luck on your move!! Are you sure you are ready for this heat?!? :)

    1. Hi Breanna,
      Thanks for the well wishes! How do you like being a teacher in this area? I'm hoping the heat isn't as bad as I've been hearing, that maybe if I expect the worst it won't be so bad? I'm cold all the time in the bay area when its 50 or 60, so I keep telling myself Phoenix will be perfect for me :)

  14. Hi, found you're blog through kellys Korner! My husband and I live in Queen Creek, just outside of Gilbert. I'm an elementary teacher by degree but we just had a baby, so I am staying home with her for now. Welcome to az! You will love it!!

    1. Glad you stopped by! I'm hoping to get to spend a little time at home after we have a baby (sometime in the next few years). Sounds like it's going really well for you! Thanks for your optimism about the move - I hope I love it too!

  15. Hello Adelyn.. We live in gilbert! Let me know if you need any advice or info on schools. Both my kids go to Gilbert schools..well..Owen doesnt yet. Http://
