
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

11 Weeks

{Originally written 10-9-13}

How Far Along?  11 Weeks! Only 2 more until that exciting 2nd trimester. It's all starting to feel just a bit more real. 

Size of the Baby? A lime. Much, much better fruit than last week! 

Sleep?  In general, it's been a lot better! I'm waking up about twice a night, but I think I only had maybe 1 or two nights of insomnia. I've been able to take a nap almost every day since break started, too, which has been great. Last night, I was up until midnight, since I napped until 6, so I'm a bit tired today (woke up at 6:45) but hopefully that means I'll sleep better tonight. 

Cravings? Time with my sweet nephew? Does that count? We took a quick trip to see my sister and family and Ed's brother and family, which included some awesome bonding time with our nephew, Matthew, who just came home from the hospital after a long 3 month stay after he was born. He is pretty amazing. 

We felt pretty lucky that we got to hang out with him when he is so little, and also had a great time visiting his sister, who is still working hard in the NICU so that she can join her brother soon. 

 What I Miss? I was missing alcohol a little more this week (maybe something to do with a million parent conferences and report cards?). This weekend I also sort of lost interest in food in general, where nothing really sounded good, so I missed being excited about food, or just able to say definitely that I wanted to eat something specific. 

Best Moment? Seeing both our nieces and our nephew. I feel like such a lucky auntie. On the pregnancy front, I think just talking about the pregnancy a bit more with family - it made it seem more real. We also got our first baby related item in the mail! An ergobaby carrier. 

There was a crazy deal online, so I decided to go for it, since I knew my sister was super happy with hers, and they can be so expensive. Ours was only $57, including shipping, when they're normally $130 or so. It was waiting for us when we got back from our trip, so of course I tried it on (a towel subbed for the baby). It was fun to imagine getting to use that in less than 7 months! We really liked the color, since it will go with everything and works well for both Ed and I (plus, it was the only choice, so, you know, we sort of had to be happy with it). Fun, fun!

Milestones: Nothing huge this week, pregnancy wise. Just looking forward to our Ultrasound on Monday!

Mommy Update: We got a chance to tell the rest of the important people in our life (since work now knows, we decided it was fine to share the news) which was really special. I may also go any buy myself a few new skirts today, since my old ones are a bit snug, and being on Fall Break (yay!) this is the best time for a long time to go shopping. Still getting hungry in the middle of the night and needing midnight snacks. Feeling very happy and lucky that we are in this place in life right now, and hopeful that everything will continue going well. 

Baby Update:
Baby is moving around a lot in there, which I can't wait to be able to actually feel. It's growing hair follicles and fingernails and is looking much more like a little person. It also has no more webbing between fingers and toes, so goodbye to amphibian baby. It's getting tiny toothbuds and bones are hardening. Keep growing, little one!

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