
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thankfulness: 5 and 6

Well, I was hoping to make it more than 4 days without slipping, but in my defense, had to go to the mall after work yesterday for *someone's* birthday present, and didn't get home until 7, then had to make dinner. So, by the time I stumbled into bed at 9pm, I was wiped out.

Yesterday, I was thankful that I was privileged to have a whole 10 hours in bed the night before. Granted, I still got up about 4 times during the night, but still, it was lovely to have so much time dedicated to resting. On that note, I've been super thankful that we have been able to sleep in until almost 7am both mornings, thanks to Ed not having any early meetings.

Today, I am so thankful to be able to carpool! Ed and I went to work together, which meant I didn't have to do any driving :). Plus, we could go to the store after work together to get food for the rest of the week.

Not very exciting Thanks today. Maybe tomorrow I'll be less tired and can share something more interesting!

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