
Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Lovely Break

This week has been insane. After coming back from out lovely San Diego trip, it seemed like we jumped in full force. Monday I had 2 meetings after work and was completely wiped out. Tuesday, we had our amazing, exciting ultrasound and bought our insanely massive Christmas tree, and Wednesday was Family Circle (our group midwife appointment). Tomorrow we're hosting a holiday get together for Ed's work, Saturday is my work party, and Sunday is my book group holiday celebration. 

So, tonight has been a wonderful respite. 

I got home from tutoring today with this sight to greet me:

Ed had a concert to get to, but we needed to squeeze in dinner and tree decoration, so he was amazing and got everything ready for us, and made a delicious dinner. It was so lovely and romantic. 

Next, it was finally time to tackle our tree. Now this tree was in the 7-8 foot bin (the size we bought last year) but is easily at least 9 feet tall. Ed swore we wouldn't get a bigger tree, since I seem to finagle a larger one each year, but he was thwarted once again. In my defense, there weren't a lot of options out, and this one was just so pretty! And, believe it or not, we still got it to fit inside the Prius (with just a little bit sticking out the trunk). 

Decorating the tree is one of my favorite traditions. My family has been doing a yearly ornament exchange for at least 7 years, and we always buy ornaments on trips, so we have so many connected to very special memories and people. 

Granted, we couldn't quite finish the tree before Ed had to leave, so we'll be doing some late night decorations after he gets back, but it's so nice to have the tree looking Christmas-y. This is by far the latest we've gotten a tree and decorated, but this is also probably the busiest early holiday season we've had, so we have a bit of an excuse. At least this way we'll be able to enjoy it well into the new year :)

And to top off the lovely evening, I got this in the mail!

A pregnant mom group I'm a part of did a Secret Santa Onsie exchange, and mine arrived tonight!

It's so fun to imagine our little boy in these outfits. Getting baby stuff is pretty much the best ever :)

Yes, I still need to clean the kitchen, shower off from my workout, do some christmas/baby online shopping, and tidy up the rest of the house a bit, but for now, I'm very much enjoying sitting on the couch, listening to Christmas music, and drinking a nice glass of milk. 

Love this season. 

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