
Saturday, February 1, 2014

28 Weeks

("When are you due?!?" - Almost every stranger I interacted with this week)

Thankfulness: I am thankful that I am feeling more relaxed this week about the contractions. I have *sort of* figured out what to do, which more or less means lots of water, but haven't had any freak outs this week, which I'm super happy about. On the downside, I was sick all week, but I am also thankful that it was a mild cold and I'm feeling much better. 

How Far Along? 28 weeks - in the final 12 week push :). 

Size of the Baby? An eggplant. Baby is around 2 1/2 lbs and around 14 inches long!

Sleep? New normal is waking up around 3 times a night. I also had two early wake-up days. That said, Ed and I have been a bit lazy and sleeping in until 7am most mornings this week, which has been so nice. Technically, I can still make this work since I don't have to be at work until 8:30. 

Eating? I haven't been nearly as health focused as I should be. Ah, well, I know that with our Bradley class starting this week, I'll be starting to keep a food journal, and hopefully that'll keep me making better food choices. 

Exercise: With being sick, I took it pretty easy this week. I did go to yoga twice and we walked the riparian preserve twice. Nothing intense, which could also be why I didn't have any nights of crazy contractions. I'd like to phase back in some low key gym time this coming week - I'm hoping that as long as I'm better about hydration, that'll work. I want to keep up my strength!

Best Moment? I'm not sure that I can pinpoint a specific moment, but I think just feeling baby body's increased movement, and getting to share that with Ed is pretty amazing.

We also made another "big" baby purchase - our glider!

I've been scouring Craigslist for months, hoping to stumble upon a good deal. I couldn't bear to spend upwards of $200 of a new glider and even considered doing without. However, after rocking our nephew on our Christmas visit to Visalia, I decided that I really did want one. Originally, I was hoping to get one for around $60-75, but all of the ones that I thought about definitely looked a bit worse for wear, and the ones at $100 didn't necessarily look that much better. However, on Wednesday, I spotted this one. It looked like really good quality and, while $125 was more than I wanted to spend, it seemed like a good investment. 

Now that it's home, I am super happy with our choice. It looks like it sells new for around $500, and it looks practically brand new after having been used through nursing two babies, which makes me feel confident that it will stay nice through *hopefully*  two more. It has a reclining feature with different settings, which is fun. It looks very nice in our bedroom and I've already enjoyed sitting in it, imagining rocking our little one in it in a few months. 

Milestones: This week has been the start of apparently being undeniably pregnant. Suddenly, acquaintances and strangers have all been asking me when I'm due and all the other typical questions. It's pretty fun, and so far everyone has been really nice. I even got a little special treatment on a school visit - the principal made sure I had a place to sit in the different classrooms we visited. While I felt "lazy" I actually really appreciated it, as we were visiting for 2 1/2 hours, and it started to feel like a lot of time on my feet. I am trying to be super proactive about not overdoing it.  

Mommy Update:  As I mentioned, I had the misfortune to get sick this week. I was incredibly lucky, though, that it was just a mild cold, without even a fever! I felt pretty bad all weekend, but really have been in recovery mode since Monday afternoon. Contractions have gotten longer and more intense, but have overall stayed nice and irregular. 

Baby Update:  Evan continues to be moving around a lot. Once night it felt like he kept doing flips. Ed went close to my belly and asked him what on earth he was doing in there :). He's now opening and closing his eyes for the first time in 4 months and is also probably dreaming while he's sleeping. Only 3 months until we get to meet!


  1. Aww you put a cardigan on again! You don't get to see as much of the belly when you're covering up your waist! (And you look smaller w/o the cardigan...if that provides added incentive :-)

  2. Haha...good to know :). I guess I can resist my sweaters for future pics - sure in no time the weather will be warm enough that I won't need them anymore!
