
Saturday, March 1, 2014

32 Weeks

("Any day now, right?" A well meaning, but obviously very off coworker. On the plus side - our due date is two months from today!)

Thankfulness: I am so, so thankful that our life seems to be working out exactly the way it should. Things have been tumultuous for the last few months, and especially the last few weeks, but we now know what our future holds, and can relax and adjust. More to come on this, probably in the next few weeks, but for now, I'll just say that our new life plan certainly wasn't one we envisioned as a possibility, but seems like it will work out really well. 

How Far Along? 32 Weeks - two months left!

Size of the Baby? Squash. He should be getting near 4 lbs and 17+ inches long

Sleep? This has been a rough week for sleep. Thursday night I literally got about 3 hours, and was up from 1:30 until about 6am. Hopefully now that life has calmed down, the insomnia will take a break. I am getting used to getting up so much, but not being able to fall back asleep is torture. 

Eating?  Last week was definitely better. Stress and food don't mix well for me (or at least not in a healthy way). Next week will be better.

Exercise: Exercise was also horrible. I did do my Bradley exercises most days, but otherwise, just a few short walks and yoga once. 

Best Moment? There were definitely a few that I'm going to wait on sharing, but one that was very special was when I received this from a student on Thursday:

Getting baby clothes from a student, without a doubt, warms my heart and makes me feel so excited about my baby and about what wonderful kids I get to teach (and hopefully what a wonderful child my baby will become). 

Milestones: Paperwork has been turned in to HR, so I am officially all set for short term disability and FMLA! Hitting the two months out mark also feels like a huge deal. Like we should actually finish getting ready for the baby. I may go out shopping this weekend and pick up a few things that we need. It's crazy to think that I was born 3 weeks from where I am now in my pregnancy. 

I've also started (finally) planning the nursery! I did post this yesterday with the "to do" list, but so far, this is what I have:

I'm pretty proud of myself for making one of these inspiration boards, even though it was just putting images into the Pages program and then taking a screen shot. All of these are sourced on my pinterest page. If you can't tell, the theme is reading :). 

Mommy Update:  It has been such a roller coaster of a week, but things are finally feeling good and settled. Definitely feeling big (and hearing about it almost every day), and Evan's movements are actually starting to cross into the "uncomfortable" territory. I still love feeling them so much, though, and sometimes they make me laugh out loud with how strong they are. 

We had a good time at our Family Circle this week, watching birthing videos. It was super helpful - the videos were more "how to" style, in terms of laboring and birthing positions, and both Ed and I thought they were clear and well done. In yoga, we always are told to visualize our ideal birth, and now I have a better idea of what that might look like. 

Baby Update:  Evan looked great at the check up with his heart rate around 150 and still hanging out head down! We were relieved for our midwife to share that if they have been staying head down, they are unlikely to flip at this point into breech. We so want to try for a natural birth, and so this is very important. He's theoretically practicing a lot for the skills he'll need in the outside world, like swallowing, sucking, and breathing. This is a big milestone in terms of baby development, since all of his major organs are fully functioning, except his lungs, which need a bit more time. While we think and expect him to keep baking a while longer, if he arrived now he would be incredibly likely to grow up into a normal, healthy child. 

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