
Monday, March 17, 2014

34 Weeks

(Spring Break in Sedona Edition! Best comments of the trip? "You look beautiful!" from a woman staying at our inn and "Now, we don't do deliveries here!"  from one of the park rangers at Bell Rock)

Thankfulness: I am so, so thankful that we were able to take full advantage of spring break. We spent the first 5 days working on the baby room (Ed did have to work for a lot of this, but still helped when he could), and then the last 4 relaxing. We got so much done off of our checklist, and feel much more ready for a little baby to come into our lives. And, our trip to Sedona really refreshed and revitalized us. I was able to read one and a half books (I finished "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and read all of "Go Tell it on the Mountain.") That is definitely a sign of a fantastic trip :). I'm also just so thankful that crazy contractions have kept away for two weeks now (knock on wood) and I'm getting very close to the point where it wouldn't be so scary if I actually went into labor. 

Just very, very thankful for our life and it's many blessings. We are so incredibly fortunate in so many ways. 

How Far Along? 34 weeks. It's officially less than a month and a half until our due date! 

Size of the Baby? Butternut squash. Our little guy should be over 5 lbs and over 18 inches. He's actually getting to be regular baby sized! It's really felt like he's grown a lot this week, if my stomach is any indication :). 

Sleep: Not bad! It's funny how much I used to love to sleep in, and now if I can make it to 7am, I am thrilled. My normal "good" sleep in time has been 6:30am, and I've actually really gotten used to it. I took full advantage of spring break, with plenty of naps, which was fantastic. I'm definitely a bit sad to be heading back to work and be so much more tired. 

Eating? Still really missing our blender. We had super yummy food on our trip, and have probably been indulging too much. I am aiming to eat less dessert this week, but certainly enjoyed the white chocolate, berries, and whipped cream Ed bought to treat me while we were in Sedona. I also am going to try to be better about actually recording my diet and making sure I'm hitting the goals of the Brewer's diet that I'm supposed to be following. Mostly, I need to work on getting in those leafy greens and yellow/orange veggies and fruits. 

Exercise: I got in some nice yoga, especially in Sedona. We also did two short "walks" (can't quite call them hikes any more) on our trip. However, I'm am totally counting assembling a crib, dresser, nightstand, and storage unit, and installing shelving and curtains. Definitely got in my workout!

(Ed caught an action shot of me using the power drill to install our curtains)

                     (After hiking up to the first level of Bell Rock, with Courthouse Rock behind me)

Best Moment? It would be impossible to chose. Putting together the baby room and our "babymoon" definitely top the list! Evan has also been kicking a bit strong this week, and those moments of feeling him move around may be the highlights of my life. 

Milestones: So much this week. We took our hospital tour, got the baby room close to done, and got to the end of spring break. While it's sad it's over, it's exciting, too, in a way, since that was the last big event between us and our due date. Just 4 weeks of work left!

Mommy Update:  As I've already mentioned a lot, this was a great week. I felt so relaxed and indulged on our babymoon. Between spending many, many hours reading with fantastic views, a pre-natal massage, amazing meals, and tons of time outside, I am a very happy mom-to-be.

Baby Update: Evan is now gaining around an ounce a day. He is apparently listening into everything, and he should be able to remember songs he hears now after he's born. He's starting to lose the lugano (the hair covering his body) and of course gaining more and more fat. He may be dropping (which seems possible given how low I seem to be carrying), which *fingers crossed* will make this heartburn calm down. I am pretty sure I've been feeling hiccups this week, which reassure me that he's still head down. Can't wait to meet this little boy. 

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