Weight - 14lb 1oz. (+4lb 8oz)Noah is our little peanut! He's so much smaller than Evan, probably because he eats about half as often, plus he actually spits up. We'll take it though - no hurry for this guy to get big.
Height - 23.6 inches (+2.6)
Head circumference - 15.5 inches at birth
Noah is in 6 month clothing, though those still have plenty of room. It's funny having a baby that grows so much more slowly.
Noah continues to be such a sweet baby. He's definitely gotten a little bit fussier this month, but it seems like it's lining up with a developmental leap. And, he's still so much more easy going than Evan. He gave us his first smile right at 2 months, and has started cooing, which is just the sweetest thing ever. He still loves being in a carrier, which has been great since I have been hiking almost every day that I can. Baths are also a favorite place - the few evening where he has been fussing, a bath has been a sure fire way to cheer him up. We've switched over to him being in the ergo since the moby has been feeling tight, which has been nice. I've also started using my wrap more, which I love! Noah has also started to look at us more, and loves staring at us and Evan and making sounds. It's the best to see my boys together.
Noah is fully switched to sleeping in the main part of the pack n play, which I'm really happy about. He still sometimes has trouble settling back down, but he's getting better and better at it.
There isn't too much that Noah really dislikes, thank goodness. He rarely cries, except when he is having his diaper changed/is getting dressed and when he's in the car (though this is starting to get better). While he does give us some good stretches of 3-4 hours of sleep at night, which is amazing, he sometimes has trouble settling back down to sleep after he eats. Thankfully, after plenty of practice with Evan, I'm much more comfortable with bedsharing and will sometimes pull Noah into bed with us if he refuses to settle. That will usually give us a good hour or two extra and helps us all get some extra rest.
Such a sweet baby!
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