Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy 28th to Me!

I am 28. A whole 10 years past 18.

It has been a great ten years and I can definitely say I am much happier at 28 than I was as a late teen. 30 definitely seems much closer, which makes this age feel much more mature. I may be rambling a bit, because apparently I was so excited about my birthday that I woke up at 1:45 and didn't fall back asleep until almost 5. I am so thankful that my parents are visiting for my birthday and will be arriving this afternoon, and that they will be making me dinner, since I definitely won't have energy for that. It will be a really nice weekend, and the first time I've celebrated my birthday with my parents since probably college.

I'm fairly certain my students will be very sweet to me today, as they were already being excited about my birthday yesterday. I used to be sort of quiet about my birthday with my kids, but I've reached a point where I've decided it's fun to celebrate. Of course I told them the best present they could get me would be to all do their homework, so we'll see how well that works :).

In any event, I am feeling happy about this coming year and very optimistic that it will be a great one.

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